Especially for Designer, Maker and hacker

3D Printing I
Skill Level bloody printing beginner but good friends with a 3D tool Duration eight hours split over two days including time for a little snack break on day one . Technical Requirements bring your Mac/PC laptop with a 3D Software (like SketchUp, Fusion360, Blender, Maya) installed
You can imagine watching a tiny nozzle hectically squeeze out a thin sausage of molten plastic? You want to hold the 3D Model you designed in your hands, it is still warm from the printer, almost like a living thing? We will introduce you to different 3D printing technologies, create and export simple models in different 3D tools and prepare them for printing on a FDM printer (the ones that print your model out of thin plastic tubes). You will also print your own creation on our machine...
Of course we also can offer you workshops for advanced beginner. Feel free to ask us for individual scheduling.
Arduino I
Skill Level bloody beginner . Duration six hours including time for a little snack break . Technical Requirements bring your Mac/PC laptop
You already heard about Arduino, heck, you even bought one once but where the hell is it? Bonus: You already did a little programming? Your digital self ends at this metal frame of your screen? You stare at pixels until they moved enough to be sold as a corporate design? You want to sense something again and move something - like real, in the physical world?
In this workshop you will learn how to use Arduino to sense and actuate things in the physical world using Arduino, buttons, sliders, LEDs and motors. You will smell a soldering iron and develop ideas what wondrous little thingie you could create now that you have Arduino-Superpowers.
Of course we also can offer you workshops for advanced beginner. Feel free to ask us for individual scheduling.
Electronics I
Skill Level bloody beginner . Duration six hours including time for a little snack break . Technical Requirements paper/pen to sketch
This workshop is aimed at people with no knowledge of electronics or soldering. You don’t need to bring anything with you, as we’ll put together kits with the required parts and we will have soldering irons/ wire on hand. If you have something cool you want to hack or modify, bring it along and we can take a look at it.
The goal of this workshop is to introduce you to the basics of working with analog electronics. You will learn to read circuit diagrams, identify electrical parts, and use a soldering iron. We will learn how to use LEDs, sensors, motors and buttons. We will learn about Ohm’s law, learn how to test circuits on a breadboard, and how to use a multimeter. At the end of the workshop, we will combine our knowledge to make a fun tuneable noise maker built around the 555 pulse-width modulator integrated circuit.
Of course we also can offer you workshops for advanced beginner. Feel free to ask us for individual scheduling.
Processing For Motion Graphics
Skill Level knowledge of motion graphics and/or programming a plus . Duration six hours including time
for a little snack break . Technical Requirements Mac/PC/Linux Laptop, preferably with Adobe AE installed
for a little snack break . Technical Requirements Mac/PC/Linux Laptop, preferably with Adobe AE installed
Ideally you have some experience with scripting (JS/Java/C/Python/AE Expressions/HTML/CSS), or else be willing to do a few short tutorials before the class. Having AE/Premiere/Adobe Media Encoder is encouraged.
The goal of this course is to add Processing to your toolkit in creating procedural effects, masks and visuals. There are many things that are very time consuming to do in AfterEffects or other motion graphics and 3d programs that can be done easily in Processing or other programming environments. Processing has it’s limitations, but it can be very freeing under certain circumstances. If you want to do something 3 times, use AfterEffects. If you want to do something 300 times, use Processing.
By leveraging the power of programming and quick, iterative testing, we’ll work with image sequences in Processing to create unique video filters, assets, and effects to augment video and motion graphics. During the last half of the workshop, we’ll work on our own effects, so you’re encouraged to bring your own footage, or we will provide a few alternates.