The name “Gefühlsduselei” is a german wordplay. Literally it can be translated with “sentimentalism”. The last part of the name “Ei” means “egg” so the whole translation could be something like “Sentimentalismegg”.
The Gefühlsduselei makes it possible to communicate without words in a playful way. It is a volatile memory that can carry and pass the two most elementary emotions: love and hate. Thus emotional messages can be sent over the egg.
Fondling loads the egg with positive emotions. Handling it aggressivly and ruggedly infuses it with negative energy. The stored emotion is shown by colour and intensity of light. If the device is loaded you pass it to a person that should recieve the message. Positive emotions express by a convenient vibration, negative ones by little electric shocks.
Coach: Tobias Grewenig
Team: Aurora Biancardi . Roland Miller . Bernd Riedel . Benjamin Stechele . Martin Spengler