The fastest and most sustainable way to find new jobs today is through personal recommendations. People like to help each other even without (premium) remuneration, purely on the basis of the social recognition they gain as a result.
In order to adequately support this in the age of digitization, we have implemented an internal online platform for FERCHAU GmbH, Germany's leading technology service provider.
With »FERCHAU Bonus«, employees of the engineering service provider can recommend vacant jobs to friends and acquaintances and thus collect bonus points. The more actively you use the portal, the higher you rise in the bonus ranking, regardless of the »success rate«.
Graphically based on the 8-bit aesthetics of classic computer game pioneers, logically underpinned with a reward system for “gamification” of the entire user experience, from onboarding to the prize draw, FERCHAU Bonus offers not only pure benefits but also a welcome change in everyday working life.
The platform is implemented as a so-called "Universal Web Application" and linked to the FERCHAU GmbH job database with over 5,000 job offers. Of course we also did the promotional video for it.
Created for FERCHAU GmbH.
Music and Sound Design by Michael Fakesch.