The »Lutherstiege« is 300 m² large museum that focusses on the history of the Reformation. It lies within the center of Augsburg, in the parish of Sankt Anna. After 29 years they, together with theEvangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, have decided to update the former exhibition, meeting present requirements by creating a more contemporary and educational program. The new concept is handled by »Büroecco«, under whose authority we were responsible for the conception and implementation of the digital media. The project also was supported by several theologians, historians and pedagogues.
A pivotal exhibit, which we developed, is located in the media revolution room: It is a projection screen that breaks with the habits of perception as it consists of numerous white rectangles, which bear a strong resemblance to leaflets or book covers. The heterogenous screen not only contributes to the room’s effect, but also offers the opportunity for displaying playfully animated content. Three stylized books are positioned in front of the screen, offering basic information on »Martin Luther and the media«, »Pamphlets and pasquils« and »The Luther portraits«. By activating the respective bookmarks one can start the corresponding animated films, which are available in German and English.
Two audio installations accompany the main exhibit: On the one side whispers coming from an old chest remind the visitor of the sales of indulgences. On the other, a motion sensor triggered installation lets the visitor witness how Martin Luther verbally defended himself against the Pope’s emissary, Cardinal Cajetan, in 1518.
As with all our projects we made sure that the necessary technology remains in the background and one is free to fully immerse oneself in the exhibition. For this purpose we created specially constructed space-saving modules for mechanic and sensor technology, which enables the interaction. The animated films are based on historic material that was analyzed in close cooperation with scientists.
Created for Evang.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde St. Anna
Developed in cooperation with Büroecco Kommunikationsdesign GmbH