A treasure has been raised in the center of Augsburg, at Zeugplatz 7, in the Fuggerhaus. Over several years the so called »Badstuben«, consisting of the »Musen-« and the »Zodiakussaal«(muse and sign of the zodiac hall), have been extensively restored and preserved for future generations.
Both chambers where built between 1569 and 1571. Having served the Fugger family in various ways, they withstood the ravages of time and even survived a heavy bomb attack during the Second World War.
Today the chambers finally shine in their original Renaissance splendor, which was brought to the estate and the city of the Fugger family by two influential protagonists of their time: The master builder Friedrich Sustris and the ornamental carpenter Wendel Dietrich.
The so called »Badstuben« have become a building of not only contemporary historic, but also of artistic and cultural significance. Visionary grotesque paintings, which are ordinarily only found in Roman or Florentine palaces, are located side by side with scientific representations of signs of the zodiac. The interior decorative details, such as the indoor fountain on the north wall, stand in stark contrast to the original bomb crater, which today is represented by a white patch in the middle of the room – a symbol of devastation.
For reasons of conservation the public is only granted limited access to this precious treasure. Yet, thanks to an especially created exhibition sculpture and three media exhibits by the lab for media art »LAB BINÆR«, one is able to experience this one of a kind ensemble in the Badstuben’s loggia.
The tape’s course is based on the shown details’ original positions in both rooms. It addresses the destruction on the floor, where the unexploded bomb crater was located, and Wendel Dietrich’s woodwork right under the ceiling, where the other originals can be found as well. The method that was chosen to create a sense for the room is based on the movement of the body and above all the head, it corresponds with a to scale visitation of both halls.
Created for Fürst Fugger Babenhausen'sche Stiftung zur Förderung schwäbischen Kulturgutes
Developed in cooperation with Neonpastell GmbH