Every two years the world’s leading trade fair of the maritime sector, the “SMM”, takes place in Hamburg. Of course MAN Diesel SE, the world's leading provider of large-bore diesel engines for marine and power plant applications, is on this spot as well. But the new thing this year is, that we were allowed to refresh their stand with two multimedia-based installations.
“Powering the world” is not just a slogan for MAN Diesel: An advanced “sensisphere” allows the visitors to be informed about the worldwide existing headquarters and their duties by moving the appropriate point into the center of an indicated cross line. Besides words and animated pictures we introduced a special point with the corporate video.
With pushing and pulling hand gestures you can show or hide additional layers wit the typographically designed business divisions and company values. If no visitor is touching the “MAN-sphere” for several times, automatically the pulsating logotype will fade in.
An other exhibit which we were allowed to expand is an original sized L48/60CR diesel engine: By stepping onto a mat prepared with “Electric Field Sensing” (EFS) it can be started acoustically. A PA-box with 600 watt, which is positioned inside the engine, guarantees to call attention by the visitors.
Created for MAN Diesel SE